Dec 18, 2018
Cold Hunter One: Launch
Dupre prepares for another winter climb. Mount Hunter (14,573 ft) is the steepest and most technical of the three great peaks in Denali...
Feb 27, 2018
Cold Hunter One: Loading the Sled
A careful loading of the sled to make sure nothing is missing, ensure fuel is protected and won’t leek into food, and that the weight is...
Feb 25, 2018
Cold Hunter One: Packs, Stuff Sacks & Staying Warm
One key tip when on a winter expedition: get stuff sacks that are large enough! There’s nothing worse than fighting to stuff your...
Feb 23, 2018
Cold Hunter One: Gear Prepping
Rigging your sled correctly can make a huge difference in your perceived effort level and degree of suffering while traveling for days on...
Feb 22, 2018
Cold Hunter One: Food Prep
Food, the best part of the day! I love my meals and over the years have created a nice roster of favorites. My meals have a careful...