Jan 31, 2018
Lucania: Hard Lessons Learned, Home Bound in the St. Elias Range
Despite being well-positioned within 4000 ft of the summit stocked with 14 days of food and fuel, having double and triple carried 9 km...

Jan 29, 2018
Lucania: The Wind Funnel
With a wind storm rendering the duo immobile for the last 30 hours, Pascale and Lonnie are feeling frazzled and a bit weary. At their...

Jan 28, 2018
Lucania: New Routes, Deep Snow
Through deep snow, the two spent the weekend moving all supplies & camp up to the top of the ridge at the base of the mountain. The super...

Jan 26, 2018
Lucania: Rest + Recharge
Last night, the two called in to report high spirits and sunny skies, with a touch of gusting winds up to 20mph/32kph. A recipe for a...

Jan 25, 2018
Lucania: Sights on Steele
The team took to the ice-sculpted ridge yesterday morning, managing to ferry a cache up before the wind materialized. The southeast mass...