Oct 7, 2015

Oct 6, 2015
Flight to Kathmandu
Nearly two days after departing the quaint town of Grand Marais, Minnesota, the two residents make their arrival in Kathmandu, Nepal...

Sep 16, 2015
Granite Gear & TRIFC
Image: Michele Korfhage Granite Gear donates piles of backpacks for the Vertical Nepal expedition! Through trifc.org, these backpacks...

Sep 3, 2015
Vertical Nepal Launches! 2015/2016
OVERVIEW Nepal has long been a land of mystery to the West. Virtually inaccessible to foreigners for many years, this small, landlocked...

Jan 15, 2015
Basecamp Pickup
Photo: Basecamp Pick Up - by John Walter Whittier Today was the day. We met Lonnie with big hugs, high fives and lots of cheers upon our...

Jan 14, 2015
Basecamp Arrival
Photo: Dupre Basecamp Arrival - by John Walter Whittier Lonnie Dupre called in around noon to Talkeetna with a weather report coming...

Jan 13, 2015
11.2 K - Descent
Photo: Lonnie's Ladder Denali 2012 - by Lonnie Dupre Lonnie called later in the evening last night at 11,200ft. Sounding more positive...