Our flight to Lukla was amazing. We weaved our way above the steep and lush foot hills of the Himalayas. The term foot hills just doesn’t discribe the incredible geological relief you see here.
We landed on a very short, inclined runway carved out of a ridgeline. Breaks were applied, pitch on the props reversed, restrained in our seat belts then taxied a few meters to a remarkable village.

The rock lined trails where filled with porters and cows/yaks loaded with all imaginal supplies from short sections of metal roofing to large bags of rice. I saw one man with at least 18 cases (around 12 packs) of local beer along with the majority of house related items on his back supported by a tump line across his forehead. The load was as impressive as his smile.

From Lukla we made it to a tea house in Phakding after crossed a long suspension bridge. I’m curious how Porters intice their cow/yaks to cross from terra firma to swing/sway over a gorge and ragging river. I’m sure my curiosity will be answered in the coming days. We ate Rice and lentils for dinner with curry. The Sherpas call this high protien, carb dish "24 hour Sherpa power." Breakfast was tea with milk and honey followed by porridge.

We hired 7 professional porters for our expedition. Portering is a common respectable occupation for these mountain people carring supplies into village merchants. Portering greatly enhances the economic liveliyhood of the porter, his family and therefore the village community. We have already created several new friendships with these humble folks.

Our caravan is off for a 7 hour hike to the village of Namche at 11,200 feet. Here we will rest and acclimate to the elevation. Cheers, Lonnie