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Winter Carpe: 7,200 Ft

The team began their ascent up Mt. Carpe yesterday and ended up at 7,200 feet for the evening. Though they spent yesterday maneuvering large crevasses, Lonnie and Pascale reported that the route ahead looks very promising. Tomorrow they'll be pulling the sleds up as high as they can in preparation for a push for the summit in the coming days. Listen in to their call in to basecamp last night:

Image in video by Chris Worlow

Spot location of last night's camp:

Winter Carpe Latitude:63.15854 Longitude:-150.79778 GPS location Date/Time:03/12/2017 19:30:30 AKDT Message:All OK Click the link below to see where I am located. If the above link does not work, try this link:,-150.79778&ll=63.15854,-150.79778&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1 Ready for Adventure


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