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Winter Carpe: Negotiating the Route

Lonnie and Pascale tried to negotiate the route up Carpe in three different areas after running into dangerous slab rock that is in broken shale just beneath the snow.

Today they will continue their search in a solid route to the summit of Carpe. The weather is cold, but with little wind which should allow for some decent travel conditions.

Listen to more details below in their audio update from their Hilleberg hotel:

Image above in video by Chris Worlow.

See below the Spot GPS location of the team's camp (red pin) last night with Carpe's summit just to the left on the topo:

Latitude:63.16045 Longitude:-150.80121 GPS location Date/Time:03/14/2017 17:05:36 AKDT Message:All OK Click the link below to see where I am located. If the above link does not work, try this link:,-150.80121&ll=63.16045,-150.80121&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1 Ready for Adventure


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